Thursday 11 July 2013


Riverside school board Summer school
Secondary 3 Mathematics, 3 weeks course

Hello Parent/guardian

This letter is to serve as an introduction of myself as your child's teacher and also present my expectations for the course.  My name is Edward Gyles. I have been a teacher for over 6 years.

What you can expect from me is the following:
A midterm communication about your child's achievements,
A behavioral communication if a need ever arises,
A blog site of course material
Replies to any email I receive from you.
You will not be receiving contact from me for homework not done nor about test scores from the daily quizzes.

Expectations for the course are the following:
There will be daily quizzes written by the student
Being prepared for class everyday
Punctuality from the student
No student will disrupt any other student's learning
Students and parents are responsible for making sure the work is done to aid in understanding.

If you ever wish to contact me, is where I can be reached.  There is old course material online at, and There will be a new site up for this summer shortly.

One final requirement is that this letter be signed and the bottom portion be returned to me before the start of Thursday July 18, 2013.  Failure to do so will result in your child not being allowed to enter the classroom until it is returned.

Thank you very much
Edward Gyles